20-A cloudy day and headed towards El Fuerte, Sinaloa

Our luck with the sun run out today. Packed our things in our bikes and back to Novojoa to the main road Hwy 15 and south to Los Mochis.

An un-eventful day and finally entered El Fuerte, another old colonial town.

As usual we try to ride in to the ‘Centro’. Today it was threatening to rain and decided first to find an hotel and then could we walk around town.

Information center was in the Municipal Building and they where even so friendly to call the Hotel Guerrero for availability and prices.

We rode our bikes along the columns seen here to the end of the patio. 

Below our door to our room #7

The hotel in front of the entrance of the museum, was first closed but later when we returned it was open, displaying a beautiful tropical courtyard.

© Nina Boonacker 2012